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Question - Our customer wants to adopt best practices around the management of K2 Environment Libraries. The request is to create a new K2 Template per workflow/Process. As an example we would have "Process A Template" with x number of environments and within each environment, we would have the environment fields set accordingly.

We know that this is supported by K2 workflows and we can configure them using the K2 Workspace and set at deployment time.

I can't find any documentation around how K2 Forms leverage this K2 feature/Component. Do K2 forms leverage the default environment within the "Default Template" only? or could they leverage any other template, and if so how is this changed (per category/form)?


Accessing environment library from smartform designer is different than from K2 Studio.


I have confirmed with our labs team if you need to access environment field from a specific environment under specific template, you have to set that template as the default template and the environment that you want as default environment.

You should not have to make any change to the environment library setting when deploying your package. As long as you have your environment field set up in the same specific environment, your form should work for that environment.

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