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I have a State Machine workflow (which works beautifully) with one exception.  The workflow begins with a Requester submitting a form.  A task is created for the Manager to approve, then and email notification goes to the Director to review.  If the Director and Manger are not the same person, the Director then reviews it and an email notification is sent to both the Requester and Manager (no problem).  

If the Manager and Director ARE the same person, it goes to the VP for review;  the VP could also be the Requester or Manager, but they still need to review and rate it (user requirements).  After the VP has reviewed and rated it, an email notification is sent to the Requester, Manager, and Director to let them know it's been reviewed.  

Is there a way to send only one email notification if two or more people are the same person (for example, if the Requester and Director are the same person)?  I have one case where the Requester, Manager, and Director are all the same person and they receive three email notifications.  

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!

Hi Carol Puissegur

You can do this by creating a collection of all three users. Add Collection Operation. Select a collection variable and add Director, Manager and Requester in it one by one (3 collection operations). Then add another Collection operation to remove duplicates. Finally add notification to send to this collection. If you have any duplicates, it will be removed and only unique users will be sent the notification. Hope that helps.

Awesome and thank you so much! It never even dawned on me to use a collection operation for people; I’ll give this a try!

I tried it this morning, and it works beautifully!  Thanks so much again for your help!
