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We have a requirement to send work list item to multiple users, but any one of the user can take the action to complete the work flow.
We are able to get this part done, by Adding Multiple Destination users and selecting 'Create a Slot for each Destination'.

But a Work lists item is created for each user and all these items are being displayed in our Task pad out of which only one work list is assigned to the opened user, others are assigned to remaining users.


Is there a way to limit the number of work lists being created, still able to send it to multiple users?

OpenWorkList() method of k2 client API is returning all thest worklist items even though the connection is opend with a particular user.

If we want to show the worklist of a particular user, is there a way to achieve these results?

Thank you,

I use Specify the number of slots to be created: 1

Create a slot for each role and group.



Hi, thanks for the reply.

I've tried setting slots to 1, but when I do that, only one user among all the assignerd users can able to see the task.

Create a group

Add Users to the group


Use the group as the Destination

Create number of slots to 1


This should definitely work.

Hi Dinesh,


Did you try the approach I suggested ? Did it work ?



