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I have a form with 3 different tabs ,formatting and validation rules. I'm having issues with the following section.

I need to hide the whole Panel if Tab does not equal Assignee, I tried formatting rule on Panel B and Panel C however  the formatting is messed up when opening the form. If I remove the rule (Tabs!="Assignee Task" - hide) the section is displayed as expected. Any help is appreciated


-Panel A has a  formatting rule to hide if choice control equals N/A

-Each choice control has validation rule is null or empty.

-Each attachment calls a js to validate if choice=Yes it should have at least one attachment








I think that equation needs to be !(Tabs == "Assignee Task").


I had to set all resize option to No for all controls inside the Panel, Panel A & B and only set resize to yest on Panel C. That solved my issue.
