multiple approval Escalation From SharePoint

  • 11 August 2015
  • 4 replies

Badge +1

Hi Team,

I have a K2 Bleakpearl workflow, which have activity where more then one approver person can involve.

We use escalations in our workflow process. How ever whenever there are multiple approver involve in this process then esclation activity generate an error saying as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." under DefaultEscalation as source.

This error only comes when more then one person involve in Apploval Process. 

My approval data is coming from SharePoint list through InfoPath.

Can someone help me in this regards.



4 replies

Badge +1

please some one help me.

Userlevel 5
Badge +16



Can you please attach your host server logs?



Userlevel 1
Badge +8

Hi Kanika


I believe this issue is caused by the fact that you have added the escalation on the activity and the activity has multiple slots. The issue is caused when you try and use the destination users in the escalation (e.g. as the email recipients).


Try configuring the escalation on the approval event instead.

Badge +1

Hi Andrew,


Thankx for your suggestion, I will check this and will let you know.
