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Hi All,


I need to have a multi select control(preferably checkbox type). On selection of each item I need to set a label field placed just on the right of each item with some value.

I have tried Check box list, Listbox, Choice with type check box list etc. 
There is one issue I am facing. When I select the first item, my rule runs fine. However, on selection of second item, nothing happens until I deselect the first item. I don't know what it means by multi select when I am not able to use rules for multiple item selection.

Any advice is highly appreciated. PFA snapshot.




Dear ,




Please remove the "else" condition .

and keep them in sequence , all the conditions in individual blocks .

because ur second if condition will not apply if the first check box item is selected .


Hope it helps!


Thanks Ahmad! I had already tried  removing the else part but there was no change in the functionality. I suppose I did not update it here.

I need to get all the selected/unselected items. I found a new way out(PFA). However, it is taking only single 'if' inside the for loop whereas I need to do something like following:
for unchecked items

 - if item's Display equals label 1 Text

     - Hide label 1

 - else if item's Display equalks label2 Text

      -Hide label 2


and so on. However, it not allowing me to put the else if part inside the loop which leaves me with no option but to write multiple 'for' statements.  Is it limitation of Designer?
Is there any better approach?





Dear ,


Check the following link if u mean to use nested if/else conditions .


Hope it helps!


Thanks a lot Ahmad! It worked for me :)
As it is not possible to have nested if else(as pointed out by you), similarly in my case I was not able to put multiple if conditions inside one for each loop.

I created an unbound rule, put all my ifs inside this unbound rule and called it from inside my for each loop! Working great!!



