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We are looking to design a form/forms that have multiple people task throughout the form. First person fills out the second persons info and submits. Second person fills out the survey and submits. Rest urns to first person to complete. Not sure if this can be done in a single form with hidden fields, or have separate forms for each that initiate when each is completed. Can a season vet be able to help me with the best approach?

You can use workflow and 203831_pastedImage_1.png to get the data filled by the user. It will be assigned as a task.


I would agree with Sojan, however if you are wanting to use the existing form for whatever reason you could create Panels that are either shown or hidden using rules depending on a status of the form.  So First status = New - hide Panel 2 and Panel 3, when status is In progress hide Panel 1 and Panel 3, or make the controls read only.  Etc etc.

Both approaches work...
