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I have 6 choice fields (which individuals can select multiple choices). I want to restrict a department to choose only one option at a time instead of all.

I tried the validation for department=='sales' && inArray(choice field, 'Field 1' && 'Field 2' || 'Field 1' && 'Field 3') and so on.

How can I allow to select only one without changing the multi option choice?


Can you try adding multi choice field and single choice field both to your form. Make single choice field to hide by default. And next if department == sales, then hide the multi choice thing and show the single choice section.

I didn't try this one, but just letting you know the thought. Try this if you can.

try following formula in validation rule:

department=='sales' && length(choice field) > 1   (choice field is optional)

department=='sales' && length(choice field) != 1  (choice field is mandatory)
