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I am getting this error on one of the servers running in a dev environment. I have reconfigured the farm several times now and nothing is working. The second server in the farm has no errors in console mode.

This is just the start of many problems that seem to be happening, but I will start with just one.

Info    27120 K2 Server was successfully started

Info    10000 SmartObject Runtime Server starting up......

Info    10001 SmartObject Runtime Connecting to Store Database on SQL ....

Info    10003 SmartObject Runtime successfully connected to Database on SQL

Info    10004 SmartObject Runtime Store using integrated security.

Info    10021 SmartObject Runtime Event Handler initialized successfully.

Info    10010 SmartObject Object Factory initialized with cache time of 0

Info    10019 SmartObject Runtime Server successfully initialized and running.

Info    7004 All Dependencies Loaded

Info    7021 Assembly Execution Path successfully updated

Info    7023 Loading Event Bus Server

Info    7005 Configuration settings initialized

Info    7032 Initialization Check Successfull

Info    7013 Service registered with ID:57 running on machine: K21

Info    7022 Event Bus Server Loaded Successfully

Info    7010 MSMQ Thread Listing

Error   7498 An error has occurred: System.Messaging.MessageQueueException: The

transaction usage is invalid.

   at System.Messaging.MessageQueue.ReceiveCurrent(TimeSpan timeout, Int32 actio

n, CursorHandle cursor, MessagePropertyFilter filter, MessageQueueTransaction in

ternalTransaction, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)

   at System.Messaging.MessageQueue.Receive(MessageQueueTransaction transaction)


   at SourceCode.EventBus.MSMQSource.MessagesFromSource.RecieveMessage()

   at SourceCode.EventBus.MSMQSource.MessagesFromSource.GetEventsFromQueue()

   at SourceCode.EventBus.Server.EventQueueProcessing.RetrieveEventItemsFromSour





2 Windows 2003 Server SP2 - WSS 3.0 and Form Services and BP SP1 - Kerberos Configured

SQL Cluster ( 2 Servers if that matters)



have you got Message Queuing installed on your server?

Have you tried to enable MSMQ event logging?

On the Eventbus queue right click and select properties - towards the bottom there should be a tick box for "journaling". enable that and maybe you should get some more descriptive in the "journal messages" folder.

Other thing to check perhaps is just make sure that MSMQ is running on both the servers in your farm.



Can you check the following config file? SourceCode.EventBus.Server.config

Check that the MSMQPath and MSMQErrorPath are pointing to the correct server.  i.e. if it is node 1, make sure it is not pointing to node 2.

 This is a know reported issue after you re-run the configuration manager.  It has been logged to be fixed.

 It also wouldn't hurt to check the other following config files for references to the wrong server.

  • SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.config
  • SourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.config
  • SourceCode.SmartFunctions.Configuration.config
  • SourceCode.EventBus.ClientRecorder.dll.config
  • SourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.config


I know this is an old post, but thought I'd document how we fixed the problem. 

For us, the problem occurrred on a new installation because the user that ran the configuration wizard wasn't the same as the user specified for the K2 service account.  The result was a K2 service account that could not access queues created earlier by the configuration user.

To fix the problem, give the K2 service account user access right to the MSMQ public queues called "eventbus" and "eventbus error". 

Note: Adding rights at the MSMQ service level doesn't do it.  You have to do it on the queues themselves. My Computer -> Manage -> Services and Applications -> Message Queuing -> Public Queues. Right-click, select Properties, go to the Security Tab.

Another Note: Being a machine administrator doesn't fix the problem either.
