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We have 3 K2 servers, Development sever k2dev, Test server k2test and a production server k2prod.

I have a workprocess on k2dev. This work process contains a InfoPathClientEvent. I deploy it to the k2dev and every thing work a expected.

I took the project at moved to my k2test enviroment. I click on the Infopath Integration button, and the wizard starts. I select "Edit the Infopath Forn template" and in the SmartObject Integration step i can see the server path is pointing on the old server (k2dev), How do i change this path.

If i go back to Infopath Integration and click finish i get "No such host is known" error. I other word i'm no long able to change any thing in my process.

Is there any steps i have to go though when moving from one environment to another?

All data connections regarding workflow in my infopath form is pointing on the wrong server as well.

Help anyone can help.




Hi Jakob

Is this InfoPath form published to a library? If so it mostpropably points to a library or server that doesn’t exist in this environment. Replublish the form to a library in the new environment and re-add the InfoPath form to the library. Also after adding the form again, right click on the canvas and click > update design template. Redeploy the process.

You can try creating an MSbuild package to deploy on the other environments

You will have to change the dataconnections in the form to comply with the environment manually in the design of the form. and redeploy.

Just to understand you right. There are no easy way to move from environment to another with out alot of manuel work involved.

Is that correct?

Unfortunately there is no easy way of doing this. The best is to create an MSbuild package to deploy on the other server. BUT something to remember when creating the package. i.e. if you create the process on dev and want to deploy it when it is ready to the test and prod environments too, remember to add all the different environments environment variables to the designers. So just before you build the package to deploy on the test environment, change the environment in Studio. Create the MSbuild package and you should be ready to go.

Please note this all depends on what activities and events are used in the process, if using InfoPath integration and the template is on a local source, then surely the test environment will not have that template in that location. You see what i mean?

The same goes with SmartObjects, you will have to change the source locations manually if the test server doesn’t have access to the locations specified.


Thank you very much for the answer.


I thought I'd jump in and give my 2 cents as what’s marked as an answer doesn’t match up with my experience. 

Granted it may not be easy to move a process across environments if you’ve never done it before, but once your different environments are matched up it does become “easy” to move the different versions of your process between those environments.  The key is knowing how to initially set up the different environments and what your process requires.  In general when we move our K2 processes between environments we shouldn't need to touch our workflows in the K2 designer if they've been designed correctly using environment variables instead of "hard coding" server names and urls  (there may be some exceptions... there always are... but that's the way it normally works for me).   The K2 blackpearl project and Environment library was specifically designed to make it easy to move your processes between environments.  Some of the links below will give more detailed instructions but below is a high level overview.

However, what we do need to do is to set up our Dev, QA and Production so that everything that our process utilizes is available in all of our environments.  Normally this is a onetime configuration of the different environments.  Typically this would include:

·         Creating our process specific environment variables for Dev, QA and Production (you do this only in the development environment because processes once deployed utilize the string table entries at run time)

·         Configuring utilized Service Objects that any smartobjects we’ve created be used including synchronizing GUIDs (e.g. SharePoint or Dynamic SQL)

·         Utilize MS tools for recreating the SharePoint site(s) or import the SharePoint site template that includes the InfoPath form libraries and lists that your process might utilize in your Test and Production

Once these different environments are matched up we can then quickly move the different versions of the processes between environments using the K2 Studio designer and selecting the correct environment (assuming that K2 Studio has access and the person has the necessary permissions to the other environments).  Otherwise that’s where the “Create deployment package” capability comes into play and allows us to move the process across environments without having to install K2 Studio in our test and production.

Here are some additional resources that should help you out:

K2 blackpearl help>K2 for Visual Studio > K2 Designer for Visual Studio > K2 Deployment Package > Introduction

Environment Library video

Whitepaper:  Learn about managing and utilizing the Environment Library concept in K2 process development and deployment, including best practices, key terms, data structures, and step-by-step guides

SharePoint SmartObject Synchronization Tool

The K2 SharePoint SmartObject Synchronization Tool allows users to synchronize their SharePoint SmartObject and Service Instance GUIDs across multiple environments (development, production, etc). Note: This tool works with K2 blackpoint 0902 (the original release) and will work with K2 SharePoint SmartObjects starting with the K2 blackpearl release 090x  
