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This issue is really getting on my nerves because it makes no sense at all!!!!! I am using Nintex Workflow and SharePoint 2013. This should be a simple thing but as always simple things never turn out simple.

I have some columns in a list that are copied to a list in another site based on certain circumstances. One of those columns is a lookup. It worked fine. Well I needed another lookup column copied to that same list in the other site. This should be simple because it is currently working I just need this other one to do the same thing. Now in the source list it is a lookup and the target list is a string/text. Again, there is no problem with the one lookup. When I try to make the other column do the same thing it doesn't work. I get an error message that says something "Coercion Failed: Unable to transform the input lookup data into the requested type". Keep in mind, it wasn't doing it with the other lookup and I have it working the same way. I even have it doing it the same way in the "Create item in another site" action. I even went to another area where I play and test things. I made a lookup value copy to a text/string in another list - no error!!!! Someone please tell me what's wrong with this thing before I get a sledge hammer!!! :O

Hi Lisa,

Are you saving the value of the lookup column in a variable or directly saving it to the other list? What action are you using to save to other list in another site? Is it possible that the value being passed is the ID of the lookup field and not the text itself?

If you set this value to a variable, do something like this:

Set Variable = varText, Equals List Lookup, Source: Current Item, Field: <your lookup field>, click on ..., Lookup value (as text)

Did you already use the sledge hammer? happy.png

Just as the previous code was retrieving the value from the lookup and passing it that was all I did. I did not save it to a variable. "Create item in another site" was the action I used. I even created a string variable and saved it there before copying it. I used a string builder before copying it just to make sure. It didn't work regardless of the method. I got the same error. I even did a log history to check the value and it came up as a string not a ID/number.

Oh I haven't used the sledge hammer yet but it is definitely on stand by!!!!! happy.png

Good News: I was able to replicate your issue.

Better News: It worked for me by saving the lookup value to a "Single line text" variable as Lookup value (as Text) and then using this variable in the "Create item in another site" action.

You mentioned that you have already tried this way correct?

I'm going to try your suggestion in the morning. But it still doesn't make sense that the other lookup works when I'm doing it the same way.

SEEEEEEEEE.....I knew I wasn't crazy! I just don't understand why the other lookup works. I didn't use a 'Set Variable' action. I simply put it in the 'Create Item In Another Site' action and selected the variable. What do  you mean by 'DocsCodes - Lookup Value (as Text)'?

I selected the field DocsCodes and then clicked on (...) next to it and select Lookup Value as Text option.

I am still getting the same error.

The second field set as a value is an actual lookup field too that was working prior to me trying to get my FY field to work. I had imitated that to no avail!!!

Is the other field, other than FY also a lookup list column? If yes, then do that also in the same way or remove that from Create Item action and try.

The field two fields up is a lookup. I did it that way setting the value and it didn't work. I did that yesterday. That should've worked because the fields are setup exactly the same way. This is really crazy! Am I in Whoville????

I tried something different this time. I changed my field in the target list to a lookup field. I still have the source field being saved in the variable as Lookup Value (as Text). But this time I got a different error. It was: "Create Site Specific Item Activity Invalid data has been used to update the list item. The field you are trying to update may be read only."

You might have received that error because Lookup field tries to save the value in ID#Value format. Writing value to that column will not work.

But again it worked for the other lookup field. This is very inconsistent. I did the same thing in another site with a new workflow and it worked. It makes no sense.

It is crazy! Now no matter what I do, I get the same error. It is like the workflow is corrupt or something. I've taken out my code I added and I still get the error. I feel like I am on Candid Camera!!!

Update.....we have found out it isn't the FY lookup field that is causing the problem. Apparently this workflow has been erring for some time now. It is the lookup above the FY field. I knew it couldn't be the FY field because I took it out and was getting the same issue. That field is setup as a calculated column in the source list. In the target list field it is setup as a number field. Can ya'll help me out please?

Is the other field, other than FY also a lookup list column? If yes, then do that also in the same way or remove that from Create Item action and try.

Hi Lisa,

I mentioned this in my comments earlier. What is the output value of the calculated column? is it Single line text or number? 

The output is currency.

This is what I tried for currency field to be populated into Number field. Select the return type as Formatted Currency else the default is String type which you cannot save into Number field.

How did it go?

It turns out it wasn't my FY field. The workflow was already broken. My co-worker fixed the field that was causing the issue. I was able to use the FY field like I was before - by using the value. Man what a pain. I knew it didn't make sense.
