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In SharePoint 2010 Nintex Workflow, when sending a notification email, if the length of the text in the subject line exceeds 180 characters, our recipients are seeing a subject that looks something like "=?utf8?B?UmVwb3JOICMgUmVxdWVzdCBmb...."


This was verified by creating a simple list workflow that only sends a simple email, and then varying the number of characters typed directly into the subject line.

This behavior does not seem to occur in SharePoint Designer based workflows when tested.

When Googling the issue today I came across a similar error in this unrelated post Outbound E-mail Subject Line Character Limit?

Wondering if others experience this problem as well, or if it is a problem with our environment?


Hi Jeff,

just tested it on my dev environment without a problem. I could even put in more than 200 characters and still see the correct subject line in my mail.

However, do you REALLY need more than 180 chars in a subject line? Explaining details of the mail is normally not subject of the subject line (no pun intended).


