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You can use K2 performance counters to monitor your K2 deployment as described in KB "Monitoring the K2 blackpearl Environment." This KB article was pulished quite a while ago and does not have information about K2 blackpearl versions it applicable to.




Counters work and can be configured as per information in KB in latest versions of K2 (4.6.9/4.6.10) without any issues. When testing these counters after you enabled them do not forget to place appropriate load on server to see counters recording information about it. These counters can be used for monitoring K2 servers with Microsoft SCOM.



K2 performance counters were introduced in 4.5 and can be configured as described in aforementioned KB to work in latest K2 versions too. Counters can be used for monitoring K2 servers with Microsoft SCOM.



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