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Hi, Is it possible to monitor a request in a workflow? who is it currently assigned to, status and all the steps the request has already completed? Any help would be apreciated. I guess  this is a very simple question but I am new at k2. 



You can use the ViewFlow to obtain what you want.

Hi, I am the developer of the workflow and I am not participating in the workflow, so I do not have a worklist, but I need to know the status of a request when I am asked, Is it possible to achive all the information of all request in any workflow?


Thanks again

Yes! As stated this can be accomplished either via the view flow, or you can use one of the out of the box reports or all the reports are exposed via smart objects so you can leverage Smart Forms to build your own dashboard.


The one caveat to all of this is that reporting is security trimmed, so if you aren't participating in a particular task you will need "View" rights on the workflow in question not to be confused with View Participate which is a lesser permission that simply means you can see only works in which you participated.


As for archiving, that is a loaded question. When you mean archive exactly what is the expectation? K2 automatically keeps a history of workflow execution. It is this history from which the reporting pulls its data. So if you mean archive in a historical sense, there is nothing you need to do as the functionality is included and turned on out of the box.


If you are referring to archived in the traditional sense that you want to move the data out of K2 to some other location, that is a much more involved conversation.


Hope this helps.


