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So i got a workflow for offline approval, so the Approver has to reply via email with either declined/approved.


If the Approver (which they well) replies to the email with the wrong spelling, they get this message from the K2 Server:




"The K2 server did not understand your response for the worklist item.

You may try one of the configured actions:

  • Approved
  • Declined

Or one of the standard actions:

  • Redirect
  • Delegate
  • Sleep

This server accepts dates in the formats 'M/d/yyyy' and 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy', and times in the formats 'h:mm tt' and 'h🇲🇲ss tt'. Dates and times may be combined and a time zone may be specified using '+/-hh:mm'. For example 6/30/2014 4:24:14 PM +2:30 or 6/30/2014 or Monday, June 30, 2014.

Ensure that the serial number of the task is included in your reply. You can find this in the original notification or on your K2 Worklist."



My question is, can i modify this message, because I do not want the bit which says about replying with redirecr, delegate, sleep.

I just want the message to inform the user that their reply was wrong and must be approved or declined.


Can it be done?

Hey Sharp,


Your email templates hide in: C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBinTemplatesMessages


the one your looking for is: SmartActions.StandardActions.txt


If your going to modify any files in there, I'd recommend backing up the files.  If you modify anything, you'll have to restart the K2 service.

Hi Sharpharp'


Please also have a look at the following document as reference to the K2 server configuration file:


Hope this will help!


Kind regards




I went to edit the SmartActions.StandardActions.txt file, but that just has this text in:


  • Redirect
  • Delegate
  • Sleep



The only bit I want in my message to the user is


"The K2 server did not understand your response for the worklist item.
You may try one of the configured actions:

  • Approved
  • Declined


So which files do i edit to remove the below text?


Or one of the standard actions:

  • Redirect
  • Delegate
  • Sleep

This server accepts dates in the formats 'M/d/yyyy' and 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy', and times in the formats 'h:mm tt' and 'h🇲🇲ss tt'. Dates and times may be combined and a time zone may be specified using '+/-hh:mm'. For example 6/30/2014 4:24:14 PM +2:30 or 6/30/2014 or Monday, June 30, 2014.
Ensure that the serial number of the task is included in your reply. You can find this in the original notification or on your K2 Worklist."



I tried editing the Smartactions.actions.txt file which contains this:


You may try one of the configured actions: {ConfiguredActionsWithDescriptions}

Or use a standard action: {StandardActionsWithDescriptions}

This server accepts dates in the formats '{ShortDateFormat}' and '{LongDateFormat}', and times in the formats '{ShortTimeFormat}' and '{LongTimeFormat}'. Dates and times may be combined and a time zone may be specified using '+/-hh:mm'. For example {Now} +2:30 or {Now ShortDate} or {Now LongDate}.


and took out everything apart from:


You may try one of the configured actions:


Restarted the k2 Blackpearl Server Service, but it still emails all the message.


Any ideas?


P.S. There are htm files with the same names, do they need editing? What are they for?


Edit - P.S.S I found the file Smartactions.UnhandledError.txt contains the entire message, so i edited that, restarted the k2 blackpearl server service, but it's still sending the full message (even though the txt file clearly shows i've edited out all the bits i dont want)


So for example:


This is my Smartactions.unhandledError.txt file (after i edited it to what i want):


"The K2 server did not understand your response for the worklist item.

You may try one of the configured actions: {ConfiguredActions}"



But the email still being sent to the Approver is below:




The K2 server did not understand your response for the worklist item.

You may try one of the configured actions:

  • Approved
  • Declined

Or one of the standard actions:

  • Redirect
  • Delegate
  • Sleep

This server accepts dates in the formats 'M/d/yyyy' and 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy', and times in the formats 'h:mm tt' and 'h🇲🇲ss tt'. Dates and times may be combined and a time zone may be specified using '+/-hh:mm'. For example 7/1/2014 10:49:01 AM +2:30 or 7/1/2014 or Tuesday, July 01, 2014.

Ensure that the serial number of the task is included in your reply. You can find this in the original notification or on your K2 Worklist.



Managed to get this working, here's how for anyone else:


I was using HTML (by default) as the notification message type:


Changing the SmartActions.UnhandledError.txt message file made no difference, so changed the SmartActions.UnhandledError.htm file and restarted the Service.


Did a test and message is perfect.


Thanks for steering me in the right direction with this K2ers!!!



I am glad you managed to find a solution without having to making changes to the server file.


Kind regards


Is it possible to turn this auto reply message off all together from the K2 server? We had an issue where the server got in a loop with a user's auto email reply and was generating an email response to their inbox every minute. I had to create an outlook rule to handle, but ultimately we would like to turn off completely for now.


Thanks- Alan
