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I'm in the process of setting up a fresh server to take on K2 v4.7.


Our current server was based on OS Windows 2008 (hence the need for a new server as 4.7 will not work on 2008).


My plan is to migrate my forms across, one at a time, including the data in the K2 datas, but i wanted to ask what happens if you use Web Services (which i added from various sources) on the 4.6.11 server, does the Package and Deployment tool copy the Services as well?



Are you referring to non-K2 Web Services that were registered using the K2 Endpoint Web Service broker/K2 WCF Endpoint Web Service broker?


-  the actual web services will not be migrated as they are not K2 artifacts


-  these web services 'service instance' configuration may only package as a reference; and may be created during deployment objects

Hi tin,


Yes these are non-K2 endpoint connections which link to various web services.


So i will have to manually create them on the new server first, then migrate the packages over? -This sounds like trouble.


Also, which is the best way to migrate over smartobject data?

If you are referring to SmartBox SmartObject data, they can be included in the package.


Regarding what you are attempting to accomplish overall, I believe you may be able to just setup a new K2 server; and install K2 against your existing database; similar to Scenario#2 from:


This way you will still have all of your workflow and data and won't need to package and redeploy.  Of course, if you were hosting non-K2 webservice on the old K2 server; they will need to be manually migrated and likely the relevant Service Instance will need to be reconfigured to reflect the Server change also.


If you were previously using SQL server 2008/R2, you may also need to do a database migration as 4.7 also require newer SQL version:


If you have development/staging environment, definitely perform this exercise there first before a live environment.

Hi Tin,


Had a big problem today.


Instead of using the existing database from the v4.6.11 server (because we want to retire this old server), I installed blackpearl and created a New K2 DB on the new server v4.6.7 (called the DB k2 like the old server)

I used the same existing Active Directory ServiceAccount i use on the 4.6.11 server to install blackpearl on the new 4..6.7 server.


As soon as installation completed, hundreds of emails have been sent out to our live users says that "the worklist item has expired". I've quickly killed the k2 service and stopped IIS.... But why would this have happened? Is it because i used the same ServiceAccount? If is because the IIS website on the new server is the same name as the old one? Is it because the K2 DB has the same name? -Bearing in mind they are standalone servers, i did not expect this to happen.


I am worried how this will go? I would rather migrate over forms at my own pace without having to worry about live users being affected. Would it be better to install blackpearl with a different ServiceAccount for the new server?





This sound like it may be related to K2 SmartActions.  Was SmartActions also enabled on this new K2 Server installation?  K2 uses Message Sync State to process SmartActions and determine which email have/have not been processed.


As you are using the same K2 Service Account and likely the same mailbox; when this new server started up, SmartActions likely started processing.  As the Message Sync State is stored in the database (and this new database does not have a sync state); it attempted to process all of the SmartActions email again in order to create a Sync State/Sync up.


Using a new K2 Service account linked to a different mailbox would certainly prevent this from happening.


If not possible, perhaps while migrating objects between the two servers, SmartActions on this new server can be disabled.  Then right before you make this new node + SmartActions active; move or delete all of the email in this mailbox first:


That way when the new Server starts up and Smartactions starts processing, there are no email for it to process.

Hi tin,


Yes Smartactions was also enabled on the new k2 server. As soon as installation had completed, emails starting flying all over the place, i have never moved quicker to kill the k2service and IIS on the server i can tell you....


All the users that have emailed me back as a result say that they were getting these similar emails:


The K2 server could not find the worklist item 10000_20. This item may have been actioned by another user.
The full error from the K2 server is 'The worklist item 10000_20 is no longer available or you do not have rights to open it.'.


Yet they are old emails and requests which were previously actioned, so why would they have been re-sent as above on the new server?????


I've asked for a completely new AD ServiceAccount to be setup and i will use that to configure K2 install and smartactions. Can you foresee any issues with doing this?

Can i then migrate my forms and prcoesses/web instances over one at a time (complete with data) without any issues using a different serviceaccount?



As you were using the same Service Account + mailbox for this new server, the Smartactions on the new server tried to process the existing email to create a sync state; this sent email for already completed tasks.


You should not experience any email re-sending issue if using a new Service account and new mailbox.
