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Is there any information about forms and workflow built on premise and needed to be migrated to Office 365?

Is there a tool to do this?

Are there recommendations?

Is there a comparative table of actions?

Can forms be exported on premise and imported OnLine?

Although I know that there are actions absent on the Online version, basically I want to know what grade of effort I'll have migrating forms and worklfows?

Hi Fernando,

Yesterday, I just presented an internal session about Nintex online vs Nintex on Premise.

The challenge will be to migrate Collection Variables as there is not yet something like this in O365 but they have said that Dictionary variables will be more powerfull in the futur.

In the Task list, the Related item column is not available in Nintex Form. A little bit annoying for the user but there are workarounds.

Scheduled Worfklow can be mimic.

Assign a Flexi task is also missing but it will come soon from what I have read.

For Cascade Keywords, filtering is missing in the Lookup column in the Nintex Form but it will come very soon, this month in fact.

Best regards,

Christophe Raucq
