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Currently performing an evaluation of Office 365 versions of both Forms and Workflows, and I can now see why all I keep hearing from Nintex is that this is a new platform and a completely new product, as it seems there is no migration path other than manually re-creating all forms and workflows (where possible) into something that works with the feature/action set of O365.


Exporting from On-Prem version, then importing for O365 version won't be possible (in the near future) right?


It seems like file formats are different and action sets and functionality are a long way from parity. I think the Office 365 versions will provide great functionality eventually just hope it doesn't take a few years to get there.

Though Nintex closes the gaps with each revision to O365, I don't think it can ever be 100% parity because of the platform differences between SharePoint on premise and online. With the move of the engine from Windows Workflow Foundation 3 to the 2013 workflow manager (v4) coming soon for Nintex, we may see a quicker gap close between on premise designed workflows from those created online.

Thanks for the response, I guess it was more of a statement in the end rather than a question after the realisation in my investigation that we probably won't be able to fully move all our solutions build on Nintex into O365 for quite a while, and I'll have to continue supporting both environments.

Are the Office 365 roadmaps public? do you have a link?

I couldn't find a public roadmap to link to, but this would be a great opportunity for Nintex to market what is up and coming as I've heard these questions come up a lot.

As of last week, Nintex has announced a partnership with Sharegate to provide a migration solution that will allow users to migrate Nintex workflows and forms from on-prem to Office 365. See the official announcement on the Nintex site or my blog post for more details.

Yeah I did see that, still a long way off being useful, if ever for workflows, as the environment and actions are so different.

Full parity of Workflow Actions should be reached soon. Can someone from Nintex comment on this or provide a timeline? If not I can see this causing more and more migration woes.

Just an update on parity. There have been so many improvements since the beginning of summer!

  • Edit Task Forms
  • Attachment Validation
  • Multiple Attachments in forms
  • Convert Value
  • Collections!!!!
  • Filter Action
  • And or OR conditions
  • Office 365 workflow Manager
  • Query List

Thanks for the update Andrew, it's getting there... slowly... happy.png

for me it's still missing two major features List View and Lookup runtimes func. Without these I can't migrate half of our workflows into Office 365.
