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I have a process that merges out to different activites depending on the resources required for an employee. I need to merge these paths back, but the documenation I have seen sets a data field in the prior activites and then the preceding rule on the next activity check that data field. Since not all of the prior lines will be followed I can not use this method.  


Any suggestions?





You might have to consider using process level data fields to track what resources are required for this since they will be globally available and consumable later in the preceeding rule after the resources complete their tasks.


You may be able to use a SmartBox smartobject to store the other activities to make some sort of tracking mechanism.


You also might consider storing activity names in a datafield and then using some API to check status.


There are many different ways you could address the scenario. If you could be more specific on what requirements you are trying to address it will help the community members provide you with more targeted suggestions.



