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Anyone know if there is a way of manually refreshing the K2 user cache using a process in v4.7?


I have some code which works in v4.6.11, but when migrating over to v4.7 if gives me errors:


2 Error(s)
(MaintainMembership) Process data field 'Data.Init.BasketMembershipID' does not exist.
(MaintainMembership) The SmartObject 'PostScanning.BasketMetaData.BasketMembership' used in 'BasketMembership' could not be found.

0 Warnings(s)


I use the code to update the k2 cache when users are added/removed from AD groups, but the code doesn't work with v4.7



Thanks for posting you question on our community it is much appreciated


As per your question below

Anyone know if there is a way of manually refreshing the K2 user cache using a process in v4.7?


As to the best of my knowledge this can be done in 2 ways

-  Using the ForceIdentityTool - On the community Market (

-  By using the update identity script as per the below community article (


Note that I can add is : K2 support deals with Product break/fix issues where K2 as a product is not working as expected this looks like custom code and the best will be to contact your local Regional Manager to assisted with development queries.


Hope this helps


If this was helpful, please can you click on the drop down and mark this as Accept the Solution




1) The tool  is not applicable, we need a process to do the refresh when a user adds/removes an AD User at that moment.... you can't expect Authorisers to wait around 8 hours for the next K2 refresh


2) The code posted in the 2nd thread ny boringnerd is:


UPDATE AIdentity].tIdentity]
SET SExpireOn] = GETDATE()
, Resolved] = 0
, ContainersResolved] = 0
, ContainersExpireOn] = GETDATE()
, MembersResolved] = 0
, MembersExpireOn] = GETDATE()


How exactly do you use the script then? How do you add this to a process?


Instead of just linking to a thread and then saying you don't support this and closing the door is poor. Please can u provide a step by step on how to use the above script to achieve what i asked... This will benefit all K2 users.


Without this working, K2 is done. This refresh underpins every form we use. :-(
