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I am wondering if it is possible to make a field mandatory in a task, but not have it mandatory for the item itself.

Here is my situation - I have a workflow that ends with a task where the user has to fill in a bunch of fields prior to completing the task. However, these fields are not mandatory. They are required in order to start the proper workflow after that point though. One in particular is titled 'Document Type', as different documents go through different processes. The users in my office have been very reluctant to actually fill in these fields, and as a result the wrong workflow starts and it causes a lot of unnecessary administrative work to stop the wrong workflow and start the right one.

I have made these fields mandatory in the past. However, the problem with that is any user who opens the item just to view the details is unable to close the item if the mandatory field is empty. But if a user is just viewing the information that is available and it isn't their project to work on, then they may not know what document type is being prepared for that particular project and by just filling in any random document type the wrong workflow may still end up being started.

Is there a way to make a field mandatory in a task, so the user is unable to complete the task without filling in the information, but at the same time be able to view the information within the item without being required to fill in the mandatory field?

first of all, does your users view items in EDIT forms? since if they do that in VIEW form they wouldn't asked (nor allowed) to fill in any field. so maybe they might need little training happy.png

reg. your question, sure that is possible.

basically, two approaches are possible

1. train your people first to go to item (EDIT form) and fill in all the mandatory fields

once they are done, they can go to task form and respond the task. configure validation rules in task form that will check whether all the item's field you consider to be mandatory are already filled in, or contain or not a specific value, depends on your needs. until all the validation rules are met, users are not able to submit ask form.

2. create a customized task form and place onto it all he fields you consider to be mandatory so that users can fill them directly on task form.

create validation rules (it will be basically the same set of rules as in 1.), however, in this case check content of (named) controls in validation rules.

Hi Juliana ,

    This is a blind try, why don't customize you task form again with Nintex Forms, where you can do all your customization stuffs. ??? Please try and let me know silly.png 

Thank you so much, Marian! I hadn't thought to use validation rules in my form, and that has solved my problem! I looked further at the post and its link to to get further assistance with formatting the validation rules. Now the user is not able to respond to the task until that one required field is filled out. happy.png
