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We have an interesting situation, where we need to get the Manager to authorise a submitted form. However, our or structure like below:-


     |-- Team Leader, Supervisor, Coordinator

          |--     Staff Member

So a staff member maybe raising the form to submit and if we default this to the manager in AD, then it would go to the Team Leader, Supervisor, Coordinator - not the manager. Is there any way to do a check on the persons Manager Name in AD and if that person does not have Manager in their Job Title to then go to that persons manager? Is this something that you'd be best to leave to the Workflow? Any ideas or suggestions on how to achieve this would be appreciated.


so the common tab in workflow will give you the initiator's manager.  the query user profile action allows you to pull the manager from a given employee's user profile.  you could query user profile of the line manager (to get the manager above).  you could then use a set a condition action to see if the manager returns as blank (meaning no manager above).

Hi Stephen,

I agree with Cassy,  You can use the Query User Profile Action to get the manager if your AD is updated correctly.   (We are in the process of automating the AD updating from SAP to AD through a Nintex Workflow.)

Because we have SAP and the manager is maintained in the Org Structure, we exposed the Leave approval BAPI from SAP through a Proxy (so it will act like a web service) and then with a Nintex Webservice call I can pass the employee number to SAP and the web service then returns the Manager to SharePoint / Nintex Variable to use for the rest of the workflow.  We are not using this yet, it was more a proof on concept but it is workinghappy.png.  This way I'm not reliant on the AD being up to date.

Let me know if you need more detail.

Stephen Whitehead​ please let us know if these responses resolved your query
