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In addition to my process portal, I also have a Management Worklist on my top-level SharePoint site. The first time I put it there, it says "Currently there are no processes that have been
added to this Process Portal. Click here to open the settings
page" So I click the hyperlink to the "settings page" and I add the processes I want. But if I later decide to add or subtract processes, there's no link. As a workaround I just manually go to http://TOPSITECOLLECTION/_layouts/K2/PPSettings.aspx, but this should be fixed for the next patch/release (unless I'm missing something) to have a link to this somewhere.


Yes, you work with it this way. By hidding certian deployed processes you can management what processes to view on each K2 process portal. If there is multiple K2 Process portals and for instance an IT department you would want the IT administrator to manage the processes deployed only for their specific need. You can hide the other processes on the IT departments Process Portal that does not need management from the IT Administrator.

Hope this helps,

