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I have a windows forms developed worklist using K2ROM, this displays all worklist items allocated to the logged on user. There is also an option to display the users that the logged on user managers and their worklist items.

The problem I have is, if you have multiple managers and they to want to see the worklistitems of other users they can't as you can only have 1 manager for the users. I notice that K2 only uses 1 level of active directory hierarchy for managers so that isn't an option.

Is there any way of doing this in K2ROM or do I have to bring back all the worklist items in K2MNG (but this is restrictive to what you can see and do I believe). I guess you could change the active directory manager when 1 manager is on holiday but that doesn't solve it totally.

Any ideas, thoughts?
The ManagedUser functionality uses the 'DirectReports' property in AD. In other words, you should be able to manipulate DirectReports in AD to suit your specific needs.

Hope this helps,
At the moment I'm setting up managers in Active Directory but there is a restriction that you can only assign one manager to a user. When you say manipulate to you mean there is a back door way of adding more than 1 manager to a user. Thanks
Sorry, No. I didn't actually know that AD enforces a 1 user - 1 manager limitation.

