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Hey! I was in the workflow designer in 2010. I noticed on the workflow settings 'Manage Start Variable Order'. What is that? I never noticed that before!

If you have a workflow with Start variables you can select what order those variables will be displayed to the user when they start the workflow. Useful if you don't have Forms or Infopath to edit this form, or don't want to use a custom form.

Start variables? I know there are variables in the workflow, but they are usually set in the workflow. Are the start variables different?

Yes indeed, think of them like parameters that can be passed into a workflow.   Essentially they are just variables that can be passed in with values into a workflow as it is starting off.   Very cool stuff.

Super! I've never used them. Its funny I never paid it any attention before or noticed it.

Thanks Mike!

Thanks Emily! I've been missing out on this! happy.png
