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Hello All,

I reckon I might know the answer to this, but I would like to confirm... I upload an image to an image library, then show this later on in the workflow as a URL (to the image library.) If there's no spaces, this works fine, else I have this:

Link within the Workflow: http://fldev003/k2/Artwork/107 - dsfdfsdfds.jpeg

What the link should look like:  http://fldev003/k2/Artwork/107%20-%20dsfdfsdfds.jpeg

How to I achieve the above? (basically put the %20 when there's spaces!)

Kind Regards,

The spaces are the culprit here. You can try using the inline functions (Hyperlink) to format the URL link. Or try putting the link between “” or <>.



I thought it would be something like that! Great, thank you Vernon!

Hello Vernon,

I'm wondering if you could help with something on the same path as the above, my image that's stored within IP is copied into a picture library where I set a filename, i.e. title of the process. But this removes the file extension - could you advise as to how I could retain the extension or a way of extracting this information on upload?

Many thanks for your help!

Kind Regards,
