Hello -
What about removing or lowering permissions from the list while it is being processed? The only warning that I would keep in mind is this may affect the user's ability to commit things back to the list.
Hope this helps!
Hi Jesse McHargue,
Thanks for responding! That might work but it gets a little tricky as you say with other workflows the individual may have running... unless there was a strategy to make a workflow wait for permissions before moving on with an action (all actions).
There is a wait until update action that you could leverage, but would need to set something up and monitor it while adjusting permissions.
So something like a list column of hasPermissions (Y/N) and if =='N' wait until =='Y'. Might be crude and would need tested/validated but I think the logic is there
Hope this helps!
Thanks Jesse McHargue, I will give that some thought.
Hi Jesse McHargue,
Can you elaborate on the "List Columns"? Is this something different than an Item level column?
Patrick Kelligan - No, this is nothing special, just a column in a list.
OK. Thanks for the clarification.