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Hi all,


I have a senario where a main form open a subview(subview1) and then the subview opens another subview(subview2).


I have a list of data in subview2 that can be selected.

If no data found, users can add a new records.

It works fine when subview2 is opened as subview for a form.


But in my senario, my subview2 does not function (add item) when i open as subview2.

I had encountered this issues several time and my workaround has to be Main form, open subform and then open subview.


Anyone had experienced this also?

Any other ways to solve this instead of opening subform and then subview?


Thanks & Regards,



Could you tell us which K2 version you are on?



Thanks & Regards,


Hmm... I just tried out a simple scenario on 4.6.8, it seems to work fine. Click button on form > open subview 1 > click button on subview 1  > open subview 2 (Editable list view)




Yes. It works fine when opening subview 1 from main form, then open subview 2 from subview 1.


The problem is when there are some rules in subview 2 that executing save/add/edit for the data.


Add - add a new row (work ok)

Save -  a new editable list, when clicking on save, suppose i will validate the text box must have value, but no respond after save button is clicked.

             Even when value is entered, save button is clicked and the rule does not executed to insert data.


I had tried a few times already. Sometime it works sometimes it does not. To be save, it had to be Main form open subform then open subview.


Thanks & Regards,

