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I faced a strange problem few days ago. Had to send email from a K2 blackpoint workflow, so I used Email event, and set it up to be HTML one. But in the body wanted to include a link - to the SharePoint site. This is why I used "a" tag and in "href" added the link from SharePoint environment variable. All seemed fine, mail is sent, except the link - it had a strange "span" tag within the "href" property. It was strange, I started digging, testing different scenarios, but all of them ended up with "span" wrapping the URL ...

After 2 hours, I tried something else - instead of copy-pasting the HTML in mail body field, I used "Select Template" and as template pointed to a HTML file from my server, that contains exactly the same text as the one I started with. Then again added links URLs and it worked - my link tags are now as they should be. 


My question is - is this a feature of Email Event? Actually I checked in blackpoint documentation, but found nothing similar to that. In fact, I found some threads describing this as a problem, but no resolution was proposed.


Thank you,


Try using the 'Hyperlink' inline function (found in the Text node of the inline function tab of the Object Browser).  This will ask you for a Text value and a URL value.
