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Hi All,

got a problem with a current project im working on. Im only new to using k2 so bare with me.

I have four k2smarforms. clientsetup.aspx, clientapproval.aspx, partnerapproval.aspx and partnerapproved.aspx

I have four activities + the start within my k2 process. Partner, Approval Partner, Denial, Setup + Start.

The user starts with the clientsetup. it passes to the partner activity and the clientapproval form. From here a variable is set to use in a line rule. This is suppose to validate the rule then pass to Approval Partner and partnerapproval form. But it loops.. no matter wat i do or enter it always stays with Partner. and issues the clientapproval page over and over again to the user. Each step has an email to a user. Can anyone help me identify what i am doing wrong.

More details as neccessary.



For some reason that rule is evaluating to false and i suppose the 'looping' line rule has nothing set so evaluates to true and the activity is instantiated again.

You must verify that the value that the linerule is evaluating against does in fact contain the value that you are evaluating against.

You can check the datafields value in the Workspace Reports for the process instance or you can add a

Console.WriteLine("Datavalue = " + K2.ProcessInstance.DataField["DataField"].Value);

in a Server event after the client event. This would then write the value to screen IF you are running the Server in console mode. (Stop the server service and open the server from the icon)

Hope this helps!
I have put the variable into the mail that is sent. It is correct and should pass the rule. The only thing about the variable is that i use it in both forms. clientsetup and clientapproval. it is value is different for each form. Is there a problem using the same variable with different line rules? with different values for the variable that is.
Hmm solved it. Changed the variables to ints and it worked fine.. didnt like text for some reason. Cant for the life off me figure out why.
