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I have a lookup list which displays the multiple retrieved values as a 2 column checkbox list.

When I make the control wider, the columns seem to stay squashed in the same positions.

(A) - Lookup List

(B) - Checkbox Choice List Control


Is there some CSS I could use to spread out the columns to look more like in control B (above)?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

how do you have configured lookup's appearance setting 'Column allignment'?

with the option set to 'fixed' it seems to spread columns evenly within configured control's width.

This is the current configuration for the list lookup control:


This is the result:


I have the alignment set to fixed, but it doesn't seem to help.

and how do you have set width of control in designer?

try to enlarge it o the width of form resp. whole available space if you have any controls next to lookup.
