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I am setting a workflow notification email, I have an Item Properties called *Translator:Email* that I can select to use in the email content, however, when I about to set the receiver by using lookup function, I can't find this *Translator:Email* as an option.

Any idea where I can find it to use?




Hi Zoe,

what type is your Translator:Email column? Have you tried avoiding the colon (":") in the column name? Never had that problem but maybe the colon in the name breaks up Nintex.



Hi Philip,

The column was added by the system automatically, since it is as lookup data,  the data type on the source list is *Single line of text*. Now I renamed it to Translator Email, but still doesn't work.

I check the current available Item Properties for setting email receiver,  I notice from the current options I got, looks like only if the date type belongs to *Person or Group* and *Single line of text* type are available here.

do you know any solution for this?



Hi Zoe,

haven't used lookup columns heavily in my workflows yet. What you can try is to create an additional column in your list of type calculated. As a formula you simply add the lookup column and hope it works wink.png. For the calculated field you can choose the return type as text and see if you can use this field for the assignee.

Another workaround would be to not use the translator mail directly, but to query the user profiles during your workflow with that information and see if you can get something useful back (like login name which you should be able to use as assignee as well), save it in  a new variable and put this variable in the assignee field.

Let us know if any of this works for you.



plan A - copy lookup column to calculated column is failed, because none of the lookup column available on the formula insert column list.

plan B- I created the veritable using query, I named the variable *Freelancer email*, and it is available to use for assignee, but I am not sure this can solve my problem, because for this notification I only want to send to the particular freelancer who worked for this project, now looks like if I select the variable I just created, the email will shot to the whole group.  

I never use Query function, I posted my screen shots below, please let me know if I can change some settings to make it useful for my requirement. thanks!




in the query option you have not to select all list items but only the one(s) that match with your Translator (the principal lookup field) in the current item, in this way you can get only the email field of the filtered item(s).

