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If a lookup component in workflow like 'Query List' etc is having a value with apostrophe, the workflow is getting terminated:

For example:

If in the configuration below if {Variable:Brand} is having a value like xyz's (apostrophe inside) then the workflow is terminating throwing the error like  substringof('xyz's',Brand/Title)" is not valid...


I have sorted it with a trick but not to an extreme satisfaction. I am not sure whether it's a bug or not but it seems a bug to me in NINTEX.

Let me know if you have any information about this.

Have you checked the "Encode xml inserted tokens" button? This ensures that the inserted token are encoded and will allow for special characters.

source: Query List 

‌ Did you ever solve this problem?

Thanks Roger! But one thing I am trying to implement this in Office 365 but not getting any such component in a workflow (Office 365). Please let me know what I need to do for that?



Sorry, I have on prem. I'm guessing you don't have the "Encode xml inserted tokens" button in O365?

I do not have access to O365 either, but could you following

