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SP2013 On-Prem

Hey folks!

So, I know on desktop we have the lookup() to bring back a single field item and display that proudly.

But... have you figured out how to do that on Mobile? I know lookup() doesn't work, and I've come to terms with that. 

How do you use a List Lookup (which DOES work on Mobile) to get, and display, ONE value without it being a dropdown, or option button, or anything else? 

I was actually testing out an option button with a panel over the actual button .. but... Mobile changes all choice controls into sliders. Can't cover that up.

List Lookup would work fine if the single item would just display -- I don't want my users to have to click every single dropdown to select one dropdown. That makes no sense.

Just curious if anyone has figured out a way around this that is better than my stupid blog entry here: Look-up Value Calculation on Nintex Mobile 

Also, please vote for Single Value Display in List Lookups here: 

Add Single Line of Text to List Lookup Functionality – Customer Feedback for Nintex 

Adding some favourite-people-to-pester in here.... seems to boost views... not sure if annoying though.. 

nmarples‌ | Cassy Freeman‌ | Marian Hatala‌ | Tomasz Poszytek‌ | Vadim Tabakman

cc ‌ & ‌ just to let them know I'm asking this.

I have a few thoughts, but I could be way off.

Are you able to get the list lookup to show just one value?

Can the Control Mode be set to Display, is that an advantage?

Good thoughts, but unfortunately no to both.

  • List Lookup will not show just one value. (Or, it will, but it won't default it to the "selected" item.) 
  • List Lookup will let me select a different "Please select.." message, but I can't choose to just "show top result" or similar. (@ ‌ -- I am sure you guys have already thought about doing it that way but thought I'd cc you in case you have thoughts around getting past the issue)

  • Setting control mode to Display doesn't make any change on mobile.
  • Setting control mode to disabled greys out the selection box but still says "Please select a value". -_- 

So far the only way we can do this is the  dropdown with BLAH BLAH BLAH PRJ: 345678 CONTRACT: 4567890 PM: SO & SO and then using RegEx to create the "default values" in single lines of text.

This has been a frustration over the past 2+ years on - what feels like - every 3rd project I've worked on.

I wish I could just have them select, say, Project Number and have the rest just assigned in the background for whatever they need, but unfortunately a lot of the defaults fuel other operations in the form. 

The contractor on Project 123456 is Zombo? Okay, that sets our isMemberOfGroup(Zombo).

The PM is Uncle Jesse? Well, great, because now he gets to see the PM specific panel. Etc. 

Yeah, I can only think of RegEx or use calculated controls to attempt to pull the top value.

Does a responsive form offer any differences in experience? I can think of one, but it would be worth a look

I'm not smart enough to understand how to even use Nintex Mobile (I believe that I just need to expose the Mobile Service as being accessible beyond the firewall) :-/ 

One question though... Do Rules work in the mobile view? 

I know (er... I think) that all JavaScript is stripped from Mobile, but I wonder if it's also stripped from the rules (or if they are just implemented differently). 

It may provide a gateway. 

can you just see if this will work in a preview:

(function(){alert("annoying popup ad!"); return false;}())

Doubtful, but worth a shot. 

Oooooooooooooooh, I've never tried this. You can stick it in a rule???
I don't think it will work (Mobile is expressly against JavaScript) but I will try ..... for science.

Yeah! It goes inside of a rule! 

If you put it inside of a formatting rule it should run at least once during the form load... I think. 

You might actually have to change to: 

(function(){alert("annoying popup ad!"); return true;}({Control:Self}))‍‍

(edit: I changed the return value to 'true' so that if you set the rule to Hide, and we see that it is hidden, we at least know that it kinda worked even if we don't see the alert window)

Trying now, will update...

No pop-up sad.png 

did it even hide the control? 

Nope sad.png  Still a good thought, though.
