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Hi, we have a scenario where a very long form needs to be created. It involves attaching various documents as well, such as ID, Proof of Residence, etc. This was previously a paper form.

In its paper format, the person filling it out would be able to complete portions of the form at their lesuire, and be able to return to it at a later time to complete. For example, they may fill out the form to 80%, and then realise they need some information, which they then are able to complete a day later.

Is this possible with a Nintex Form? Specifically, a Nintex Live form.

Our aim is to streamline and make the process easy for an online completion, and not 'force' the user to have all information on hand within a single sitting.

The idea would be that a person could semi-complete a form, and be able to return to it at a later date to complete. Once complete and submitted, any workflows would then initiate.

If Nintex cannot do this, has anyone found any other ways to do this?

Thank you

sure, it is possible.

have a look on configuration of button - there are two of the option

save - saves changes to the list

save and submit - saves changes to the list AND invoke a workflow, if any configured

Marian pointed out a good solution for most of the forms. Mandatory fields that you might have are the only problem you'll face as all mandatory fields need to be filled out if you save or save and submit.

If thats your case just be a little patient. Nintex is working on a save as draft functionality that can also handle mandatory fields and will allow builtin draft saves.

thanks to the above responses, both are exactly what I was looking for!


Glad you have a resolution ‌ - can you mark one of the answers as correct to close out the thread please?

There's actually a really good solution to ignore all validation if you click on "Save" -- here ye go:   

Super simple, works like a charm. Highly recommend! 

Thats a good point Rhia. This approach will work in most of the cases.

One thing is, that as far as I know this approach doesn't work with mandatory fields defined in SharePoint. You might want to define mandatory fields in a list to ensure values for some variables in a workflow of the same list, no matter which way data was entered in the list (form, quick edit, web service and so on).

The new draft save feature of Nintex will also be able to save a draft with not all mandatory fields filled out which I hope will combine the best of all approaches mentioned in this thread.
