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Everything in SmartForms is working fine for us EXCEPT the ability to "Cancel Checkout" of any item. I can create, check in, check out, delete items without issue. I cannot "Cancel checkout".

This worked perfectly fine for me in both dev and prod with Beta 2 but breaks immediately after upgrading to RTM.

I don't see this listed anywhere in the known issues for RTM; has anyone seen this issue? Know how to resolve it?

FWIW - our Prod environment is PTA, our Dev environment is standalone. The issue exists in both.

Thanks for your time,


Hi Tyler,

what does it mean "cannot 'cancel checkout'" ?

- you have no button/menu item with this text?

- you get an error message when doing it?

- you click it but nothing happens?

Info: I have an environment, where I can 'cancel checkout' items, which I checked out manually.
the version number is 4.12165.1.0 for all K2 smartforms installation items.

Ah, now I see, you have the error message in the title of the topic:
"Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'."

I dont get this error, I'm sure it's about your configuration.

I would suggest opening a support ticket for this, they will be able to get this resolved.

When you create a service object, which creates your smartobjects, you must select which account to use for authentication, it might be that you selected the wrong one.


Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for the idea, unfortunately this is not the case. My SmartObjects are based on the SQL Service Broker and the authentication method on the Service Object is ServiceAccount. The K2 Service account has DBO permission on the DBs in question.

Also, to be clear, this problem did NOT exist in SmartForms beta 2; the EXACT same artifacts in RTM exhibit the issue with no change other than the upgrade to RTM. This happened in both Dev and Prod after the upgrade.


Tyler, have you opened a support ticket for this item? If so
please share the ticket number with me.


I have not. I simply gave the ntannonymous account permissions on the DBs and ran with it in dev. I don't really checkin/out stuff very much in prod so i'm not worried about it there either.

So, this is pretty much a non-issue for me at this point. I only posted to see if anyone had any ideas or if it was a known issue. I haven't marked the thread as resolved because technically it's not; i'm just not worried about it. I'm happy to keep working on it if folks have ideas, I just don't really have a need to bother support with it.


Thx Tyler, 

I will get somebody on our side to look into this thread and
see if they can replicate your findings.

Hi Tyler

Have you tried running the K2 server in console mode (or to check the K2 host server logs) in order to determine who makes the call when you attempt to 'Cancel checkout'?

Kind regards,


Hi Eugene,

I have; it's coming through as the correct account (me). Here are the relevant lines (with my account/server removed):

"14669422","2012-10-02 14:26:26","Info","FormsManagementServer","22143","UndoViewCheckOut","SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.ManagementServer.UndoViewCheckOut(Guid guid)","22143 Undoing check out of View 735fe24f-6848-465b-988a-4508fc6aa26c for user K2:{mycorrectaccounthere}","anonymous","","{servernamehere}:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","14669422","aacf159f46004bb4b25ab6605bccc654",""

"14669423","2012-10-02 14:26:26","Error","FormsManagementServer","22006","SqlError","SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.ManagementServer.UndoViewCheckOut(Guid guid)","22006 An database error has occurred : ?","","","{servernamehere}:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","14669423","8fd20160705646a0aa69956f95c1ba6e",""

"14669424","2012-10-02 14:26:26","Error","System","2025","InternalMarshalError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerBroker.InternalMarshal","2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.ManagementServer.UndoViewCheckOut, Cannot open database 'K2' requested by the login. The login failed.

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'.","system","fe80::d47:49ce:ace7:b95f%11","{servernamehere}:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","14669424","0ae77a4ba2684ea19cc5ea3675da7752",""

To be clear, my account is a domain admin. I've also given myself explicit DBO rights on the K2 DB.


I've been dealing with the same bug.  Turns out for me anyway, if I logon to my K2 server and run designer from there, cancel checkout works fine. 
