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I created a new database in SQL. I was able to create a connection to it in SO Service Tester. I was able to create an SO and I can return the data via the list method in the tester. However, when I create a view it will not work but returns the error, Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'.


Service instance not configure correctly.


1. Run the SmartObject Service Tester.
2. Expand 'Service Object Explorer'
3. Expand the service type for the service.
4. Right-click on the service instance
5. Select 'Edit Service Instance'
6. The 'Authentication Mode' dropdown will show the current authentication method for the service instance
7. If it is not set to 'ServiceAccount' change it, click 'Next' followed by 'Update'

Also, make sure the K2 service account has access rights to the database.

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