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Hello Everyone


We're facing some issues while loading images in K2 List views. Whenever one or more smartobject fields contain large text, the corresponding image in not loaded in the list view row. Whenever we cut down the string value, the image appears.


Suppose, my smartobject Employee has four properties - ID, Name, Address, Image. If I enter a large amount of text in any field say address, then the corresponding image doesn't load. In the image attached, the corresponding field 'SIZES' of the record is really huge.


Is there any configuration needed to rectify this?



Amit J


Hi Amit,


I know in this case the images are already there and are not necessarily being attached so I'm not sure that this will necessarily help but it may be worth trying:


Change maximum File or Image size

The maximum File and Image size that can be attached with the File/Image attachment control is dictated by the following setting in the web.config file in the system.web section.


<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="8192" />

When creating a Form that consists of many Views and multiple States the Form rules might not be visible after adding an additional State in design time. This occurs when the Form definition increases and exceeds the "Maximum Request Length" specified in the web.config. The maxRequestLength can be edited to enlarge the size of the Form definition.
The web.config file can be found in the following location:
C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlK2 smartforms Designer
The default value is set as 8192 KB (kilobyte) which is an integer value and can be changed to the required value in KB. The maximum allowed value is 16384 KB


