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LOAD method failing


The current issue occurs when changing a load method that has existed for a while as well as adding two new fields into the SMO.

When you have one form that collects data from a user inputting information the form executes a create method when the submit button is clicked upon.

The data can be seen being saved into the smart object that is in direct correlation here. (You can test this using the Smart Object Tester).

Also there is a workflow that starts when the button is clicked and emails are sent with the new fields being included in the mail.

Within the mail there is an approve option the email has and the user has an option to add the two new fields.

Furthermore once this step is completed the form executes a save method and the workflow goes onto the next step.

When the second user has an approval option whereby they open the link. Upon the form when trying to auto populate the two new fields this does not happen but does populate other data with the smo, thus meaning that the load method is failing.



To resolve this you must first identify which one of the data fields has been ticked with a blank data field, a blank field returns an Auto Number. So to get around this removing the tick from the box resolves the load method from failing.

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