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Hello Team.


I am working on adding a live search to a field on a form (connecting to a datasource and searching while typing into a auto complete text box), which I have done many times before.  However, I need to be able to filter the search results by another field.


Screenshot - the auto complete/Live search already works, but I need only employees with certain Titles to show up when I start typing. 


What are the best ways to handle the filter on the search?






On the View Event "When the View Executed Initialize" you should see a rule to Populate the AutoComplete control. Open up the Configure for that and you will be able to filter it using any of the available columns. 


This should work for you. 

Thank you Lattee.


My issue is that we only need certain employees with certain titles listed, however, I can not edit the data source. 


Need to be able to find a way to filter the live search so that it will not list just anyway on the auto complete.

Hi Cgreenhouse


I assume you are using a smartobject List method on the autocomplete field? If this is the case you can add a filter to the "populate the autocomplete list control with data" action - usually found on the view initialize method. Click the configure link and add the filter "Title= x". If there are multiple titles you want to filter on then you can configure an advanced filter.

Yes Andrew I am using a smartobject List method on the autocomplete field.


I will try out your suggestion.  Thank you!
