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Hi All,

I am using Lithium theme for my form. I have encounter issue with ListView Paging.

I have enable few properties in K2HostServer file which enable page count for Listview.

It works fine if i used default theme provided by K2.,but if i applied Lithium theme to my forms them i am not able to see total page count and Move Last Page option

Can you please let me know if i need to enabled something else to make it work.



Thanks in Advance



Could you check your K2 Smartforms runtime web.config file whether this key is set to true:
<add key="SmartObject.RuntimeListViewRowCount" value="true" />

If not, kindly make the change. But before anything else, do make a backup of this web.config file.

Hi ,

Thanks for your reply.


SmartObject.RuntimeListViewRowCount"  is true in config fiel.If i havent used theme then i can able to see the row count but after i applied theme i am not able to see row count.


I have tested this on my end with all the out-of-the-box themes available and Lithium was the only one that does not have the total number of pages available (<< < x of n > >>). EnablingSmartObject.RuntimeListViewRowCount did however show the button to last page. This behavior might be by design, at least with the Lithium theme. You can confirm this by logging a support ticket addressing this issue.


Thanks for your reply.I will log ticket to check this.
