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I have a chart that displays the contents of a SQL view. In my table, I have a column that stores the login of a user, and a second column that saves multiple user logins.

On my SmartObject that allows me to display my view, I created an association to another SmartObject to make the resolution of login name in full (AD).

In the column that stores a single user, I have no problem. The second, if I save only one user at my table the user appears good by cons,
if I save 2 or 3 users, my column remains empty. (The first shows the result of the display, the second when I edit the line that is expected to show more values)



It's a known issue linked
This behavior is like this in order to avoid response time issue.


We devlopped a new Service Object K2Field.ResolveSmoFieldListFromSmo as workaround.

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