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List Views not aligning


The body section of a list view is not aligning when the data type is number and not part of a composite SmO. When going to styling and setting the body and the column to centre alignment, the alignment in runtime is stays right aligned. This does work for all other dta types.


After much trial and error we have finally reproduced this issue. This is a know issue and this ticket has been logged to the existing TFS item which will be reviewed for a future release.
313907 - K2SF ViewDesigner Layout PropertiesBodyStyles: Changing the alignment of text with in a control does not reflect during design time

Unfortuanitly there is no workarounds or fixes available for this. I do however think that for now you can get passed this by making use of some custom Java Scripting but do note that k2 product support does not support any custom code or custom changes made to an environment.

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