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List View won't sort on Expression columns. I have a List View that is connected to a SmartObject. Some of the columns are Expressions of the other columns. This is done for display or calculation reasons. I didn't want to put all that logic in the Sql Server Stored Procedure, if possible.

I can not click on the Expression columns and re-sort those columns. The other property SmartObjects columns can be clicked on and sorted. Kind of deal breaker for the Business. Can you confirm this limitation? Any thing I can do differently in the View? Or do I need to move all that logic to the Stored Procedure (not ideal).



This is by design. The expression values are not available to the SmartObject layer, and thus no sorting can be done on them.


Creating a Storeprocedure so all the calculations take place there and create the SmartObject and view from resolves the issue.

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