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I have a List View which kicks off 2 different workflows and creates a record of a Master SQL Smartobject. Everything works great the first time, but subsequent submissions do not send out a Task Notification Email. I have some Item references in the Notification Email that rely on the SQL smartobject's ID.


The issue seemed to be related to not being able to pass the ID of the second submit. The first submit was using the Item Reference for the first ID. However the second submission was adding the ID onto the First one, so instead of First Submit ID=1, Second Submit ID = 2, it was Second Submit ID = 12. The item references in the Notification Email could not find an ID of 12.

We tried to pass the ID back to the form after the Create method, but we could not as no Identity had been set up on the table. If there isn't an Identity, the Rule designer will not allow you to pass an ID back.


We updated the SQL table so it had an Identity on it's ID column which we could return in Smartforms. Now we can return the ID to a data label. We passed the Data Label into the Workflow via a data field and used this ID for the Item references in the Notification Email. This returned the correct data in the email for multiple submissions and the issue was resolved.

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