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List View header alignment issue. In the List View the column data is aligned to right as the field is number. But the header is not getting aligned to right, even after changing the style to right align.


- Tried selecting the column, setting alignment there, then also selecting the "Body" tab and setting a custom style on the contents of the body to change alignment, does not resolve.
- Tried loading the whole form as a subform at 99% size, same problem (have to resize to fix alignment).
- No issue if we have only one list. Issue systematic if we the list is in the second tab.
- When we have several list view in the main form (without tab), only the first list view have no issue.
- I reproduce the issue with all themes: Lithium, Sky, Platinum.
- When running the view the information is displayed correctly on the left side of the column, but when run on a form the sum aggregation field will right align although it has been delegated to the left.



We link this issue to an existing TFS case.
We found the following workaround:

In file C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlK2 smartforms DesignerStylesThemesCore.css

In part:

.theme-entry .grid .grid-column-header-cell-wrapper
display: table
height: 100%
min-height: 20px
width: inherit

.theme-entry .grid .grid-column-header-cell-content
display: table-cell
min-height: 20px
vertical-align: middle
width: inherit

remove "display: table" and "display: table-cell"
In other word, replace it by:

.theme-entry .grid .grid-column-header-cell-wrapper
height: 100%
min-height: 20px
width: inherit

.theme-entry .grid .grid-column-header-cell-content
min-height: 20px
vertical-align: middle
width: inherit

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