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Helps populate the first column in a list view with running sequence number. The sequence will refresh when sorting is applied, page moved or jumped. See document for more detail.








  • This control uses MutationObserver (javascript) to detect changes in the DOM. It will work well with Chrome, Firefox, Safari (not tested) and IE 11. IE 10 and below does not support MutationObserver.







Compatibility Testing



  • IE11, Chrome, Firefox on K2 smartforms 4.6.11 => OK
  • K2 smartforms 4.6.10 => NOT TESTED
  • K2 smartforms 4.6.9 => NOT TESTED
  • Chrome on K2 smartforms 1.0.7 => OK. IE11 is not supported in K2 smartforms 1.0.7







The latest project source is hosted at Bitbucket


I have runed RegisterCustomControl.bat in the binary folder to deploy and register the control, but I don't see this control in Custom Controls of K2 Designer... Why?



The solution is really nice.


What if I want to show in the descending order?


Business req:

I'm showing comment history and last inserted comment row should come first.


Can you show me the way?



