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When I make the following C# calls, I get an empty list of Actions

The WorlListItem object is not null and looks to have all the correct details, apart from the list of Actions.


SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WorklistItem wi = connection.OpenWorklistItem(serialNumber);

foreach (SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Action action in wi.Actions)





It doesn't matter which Process the WorkListItem is chosen from, Actions is always empty.






Is the user that you are running your code as the same user that is in the destination rule?

If the action does not have below checked would it then cause the action not to show up?


>   ] Make the action available without opening the work item.


Thanks ScottPCaliber and PeterYao.


I have resolved the issue. Scott's suggestion made me start looking at the users then permissions then authentication.


It turns out that the website I was opening the WorkListItems on wasn't configured properly.


I have two slightly differing versions of the one website (one set up for internal users and one set up for external users).


The WorkListItems should have been opening up in the internal users website, but as this was not authenticating properly, I was forcing them open in the external users website (this was on a test platform so there were no issues doing this).


Once I changed the authentication provider on IIS to be NTLM as opposed to Negotiate, I was able to use the internal users website to open the Items, and voila, the actions appeared in the dropdowns.



Windows authentication failing in IIS 7.5



So, many thanks to both for your time and suggestions.


