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Hi.  I'm using Nintex Forms on prem in SP2013.  I've got a form that has a List Lookup control that is Filtered by a Single Line Textbox.  As the form loads I'm binding a function to the List Lookup .change event.  It all works great at first, until the Single Line Textbox changes, which causes the List Lookup to get filtered, then the bound function stops working.  The run-time binding is similar to this:

NWF.FormFiller.Events.RegisterAfterReady( function ()  { 

   NWF$( '#' + MyListLookupControlID ).change( function( e )  { 

      // do some stuff

  } )

} );

I guess the binding breaks because filtering replaces the underlying control.  So, is there some type of NWF.Events. that is invoked when filtering is complete, so that I can then re-bind to the List Lookup control at that time?

Thanks for your help

you must have there another problem with the form.

lookup's onchange handler doesn't get lost after filter causes lookup items to reload.

is MyListLookupControlID javascript variable configured for lookup control? or how do you determine it?
