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Hi all

Literally pulling my hair out now so if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it

I have a list which I have set up with a workflow created in Nintex

The workflow is creating an HTML email which is generating fine images etc, however I cannot work out how to include a list item value in the body of the email. Including a reference in the email destroys the html formatting and defaults to a standard font and not the company specific one I need to use

the string needs to look like <p class="serif", "color:white" > LIST ITEM NEEDS TO GO HERE wishes to thank you.</p> 

Can anybody please help?

Hi John Rooney,

Currently I'm also working on constructing an HTML email. If you're trying to assemble the email in the Send Email action's Body area, then indeed this is a pain as we all experience layout challenges, to say the least. As such many of us now construct the email in a Multiple Lines of Text workflow variable and include this in the email body.

For this I use the Build String action. In there you need to place the Item Property using the Reference button. Btw, I'm putting everything in HTML tables. Here's a code example where I add a item property into a table cell:

<td style="width: 265px; font-size: 12px;">{ItemProperty:GI_BrandOwnerOrOEM}</td>

Hopefully this helps. There should be more posts in the Nintex community describing this.
